Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Graduate cover letter template

Graduate cover letter template by Michael Cheary So you’ve just spent three years or more completing your degree…You spend hours perfecting your graduate CV, but how long do you spend writing the accompanying cover letter? The honest answer for many, unfortunately, is not long enough.Teaming your shiny new CV with a half-hearted attempt at writing a cover letter (or worse, not including one at all) could count against you more than you anticipate.A cover letter is often the first thing a hiring manager looks at so it’s crucial to get it right. As well as letting your personality shine, it’s also an opportunity to stand out from all the other graduate applicants. And remember, first impressions count.We’ve already covered how to write a cover letter, but if you’re still feeling frustrated when it comes to the finer details, here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for recent graduates:Just here for the template? Click the link below: Graduate Cover Letter Template Email address: Please enter a valid email addressmessage here By clicking Submit, you accept our Terms & Conditions and consent to receive emails and career related topics. See our Privacy policy for details. Continue without submitting Download Graduate Cover Letter TemplateOpening the letterThe opening paragraph should be short, informative and to the point.  Explain what job it is you’re applying for, and where you found the vacancy.Feel free to mention the website by name (e.g. as advertised on reed.co.uk) or, if someone referred you to the contact, mention their name in this section.Example: I wish to apply for the role of Graduate Commercial Analyst, currently being advertised on reed.co.uk. Please find enclosed my CV for your consideration. Second paragraph Why are you suitable for the job?Briefly describe your professional and academic qualifications that are relevant to the role and ensure you refer to some of the skills listed in the job description.Stating your degree classification and the name of your university is optional, but will help to build a more comprehensive ba ckground for the reader. And, if any specific qualifications have been mentioned as pre-requisites, stating this now will help confirm your credentials.Example: As you can see from my attached CV, I have recently completed a three year degree in Economics at Loughborough University, attaining a 2:1, and I believe the knowledge and skills built up during this time make me the perfect candidate for the role.Third/Fourth paragraph â€" What can you do for them?Use practical examples to emphasise what you can do for the company. These might be performance based (if you have some relevant work experience), but will most likely be focussed on your academic career.Always make sure your examples are as specific and pertinent as possible. If you’ve completed particular modules which may be applicable, this is the point to include them.It’s also a good place to include any extra-curricular studies or activities which are applicable to the position, or which help reinforce your skills. Exam ples could be particular books you’ve read around the subject, seminars you’ve attended, or any qualifications undertaken which are outside your degree.Other examples include outlining your dissertation (e.g. ‘achieved a first class distinction grade in my dissertation on x’), or more quantifiable achievements you may have attained whilst in previous employment or during work experience (e.g. ‘Increased revenue by x%’, ‘drove x% more traffic to the website during my time in employment’, ‘an increase in students grades by x’ etc.)Example: The position particularly interests me because of my passion for Analytics. During my course, I studied topics such as Econometrics, Accounting Finance and International Economics, and the mathematical and modelling skills learned from these modules have given me an excellent foundation for building a career as a Commercial Analyst.  Aside from my degree, I have built upon my interest in this field in a number of ways. Recently I have completed my dissertation on architectures for data-intensive analytics, which allowed me to put my theory for the subject into practice. Further, I have also started an online analytics course, which has given me a much more rounded view on the subject.  Fifth paragraph â€" ReiterateHere’s where you reiterate your interest in the role and why you would be the right fit for the company.Example: I am confident that I can bring this level of expertise with me to your organisation and help Online Retail Company LTD build upon their reputation as one of the biggest brand names in the UK. Add to this my passion and enthusiasm for analytics, and I believe my contribution will have an immediate impact on the business.Closing the letterThank the employer for their time. It is also a good opportunity to indicate you’d like to meet with the employer for an interview.Sign off your cover letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ (if you know the name of the hiring manager)/’Yours faithful ly’ (if you do not), and your name.Example: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further.Yours sincerely, [Your name]Final thoughtsRemember: Just as with our standard free  cover letter template, this is a template, not a ready-made cover letter. Without the proper research into the company advertising the vacancy, and without tailoring it to the role, it will lack the impact for which a cover letter can drastically improve your chances of reaching the interview stage.And these words hold even more importance when it comes to graduate jobs. Putting the time and effort in to each one will pay dividends, so keep at it. The more research you do and the better written it is, the greater your chance of standing out from the graduate crowd and setting yourself apart.Still searching for your perfect position? Have a look at all of our current vacancies now

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How Survive the Office Holiday Party When You#8217;re an Introvert

How Survive the Office Holiday Party When You#8217;re an Introvert How Survive the Office Holiday Party When You#8217;re an Introvert It isn't so much that you dont like your associates. Actually, you truly appreciate working with them. You like halting to visit in the foyers, or having lunch with a little gathering of your colleagues every now and again. Be that as it may, youre a thoughtful person, which implies social connections can be debilitating for you, as opposed to strengthening. Youre not anticipating enduring it at the workplace occasion party once more. Fret not. While enormous get-togethers may not be your pack, there is an approach to make it out alive. Hell, you may even wind up having a good time, as long as you follow these tips from Simply Bes new infographic:

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How To Keep Your Employees Happy - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

How To Keep Your Employees Happy - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach When running a business, no matter how small you may start out, there will come a time when youre ready to expand and become an even bigger success than you may already be. When this day happens, you will need to start thinking about hiring some employees. When youre a small business, you can get away with doing most things by yourself and working from the comfort of your own home, but if you really want to take things further, then youre going to have to embrace change, and that means welcoming in new people to help you run everything. This can be a rather intimidating thought in the beginning because you know how much hard work youve put in, and the last thing you want is for strangers to come in and mess all of that up, but this is why you dont just hire anybody you hire the best. Once you have a strong team behind you, its about maintaining the high standards that you have, and ensuring that every employee does what they need to do in order for that to happen. Heres how. Implement them with the right tools You all know by now just how advanced technology is, and because of this, there are so many services that are out there that help to make your business a safe and secure one. When dealing with customers and transactions and documents all day long, your top priority should be about making sure all of these things are protected and organised correctly. One way for your employees to do this with ease, is to introduce the likes of Jumio to the mix. This is essentially an identity verification service that lets you do the job safely and efficiently. Focus on the importance of communication If you havent established just how important communication is, then youre going to find it rather hard to work together and do a fantastic job every single day. Communication varies through who you talk to. For example, you and your employees need to be able to communicate with one another about various tasks and goals, and how to get there the right way. Your employees also need to learn how to converse with customers in a way that keeps them coming back and doing business with you. Remember that it only takes one bad conversation to deter good business. Provide them with an inspiring environment The environment that people work in has a huge impact on the work that gets put out, so you shouldnt allow any possibility of a bad space harming what you do. In order to do this, you need to make sure that your office is bright and open. Ensure that natural light is able to get into the room, and liven the place up with various artwork. You would be surprised as to how much one abstract painting on the wall can change the whole motivation and mood of your employees. So try and think outside of the box when you can, and stay away from dull miserable looking workplaces.

Friday, June 12, 2020

16 outrageous things people have actually done to get jobs

16 ludicrous things individuals have really done to land positions 16 over the top things individuals have really done to land positions A few people will do pretty much anything to get a new line of work. Be that as it may, to separate themselves from different applicants, the people on this rundown went the additional mile, finding peculiar, comical, and cunning approaches to get the consideration of employing managers.They used promoting and the web to augment their introduction and even utilized the press to get the word out. Nearly everybody prevailing with regards to finding a job.Here are a portion of the more absurd methodologies individuals have taken to discover work.One man put his name on an announcement to start the 'Utilize Adam' campaignAdam Pacitti moved on from his college in 2012, however before long experienced difficulty discovering work.After conveying around 250 list of references, he understood he required an approach to separate himself from other occupation applicants in the media business. That is the point at which he purchased a bulletin. He's said that the sign, alongside a site, got him 6 0 meetings, inevitably landing him a job.One man wore an Axl Rose wig to intrigue at his prospective employee meeting - and it workedAfter meeting with a few organizations, one man wasn't having any karma. He supposedly chosen to dress for the part: proficient dresses combined with a long orange wig that made him look like Guns N' Roses vocalist Axl Rose.During the meeting, he took the wig off partially through, saying that he felt senseless it in. The questioner valued his comical inclination and quickly offered him the job.This understudy manufactured her own LEGO résuméRecent school graduate Lisa Bowman adopted an exceptional strategy to list of references working by developing a virtual LEGO-themed CV.By displaying her abilities, she had the option to exhibit that she could really do everything recorded on her résumé.One lady was asked to persuade her forthcoming bosses for what valid reason she ought to be recruited, and she proposed a round of rock, paper, scissorsAfter a meeting for her absolute first activity, one lady was approached to persuade her planned businesses to enlist her.After thoroughly considering it, the lady recommended a round of rock, paper, scissors to decide if she ought to be employed. On the off chance that she won, she'd land the position, and if the organization executives won, they'd get the opportunity to choose for themselves.Naturally, the executives valued her comical inclination and chose to give her the activity, paying little heed to who won the game.This man made an intelligent video list of references to get hiredGraeme Anthony, a PR and online life expert, was searching for a vocation, yet was having no karma. To separate himself, he chose to make an interactive video résumé showcasing his experience while demonstrating he had the right stuff to back it up.The video includes an about me segment, a course of events, and an introduction where Anthony says: I've created this video since, let's be honest, interchange s have changed.Thanks to his one of a kind reasoning, he got such huge numbers of propositions for employment that he took them all - by turning into a freelancer.One understudy strolled two miles through a snowstorm to hand-convey a résuméSome people will make a huge effort to find a new line of work, however this individual went the additional mile - well, two extra miles.The undergrad was planning to get away from a poisonous workplace and unpleasant chief, so she walked through two miles of lake-impact snow to go after an emergency clinic position. The stupendous signal worked, however since the time at that point, she was purportedly available to come in to work during blizzards when different representatives called out.This man got a face tattoo to find a new line of work at an advertisement agencyRudolph Troncone truly needed to get employed for a late spring temporary job at R/GA, an advancement organization with workplaces in 14 nations. In this way, he got a tattoo.This intense trick dazzled R/GA so much that Troncone got the entry level position. All things considered, it would have been difficult to go anyplace else.An Irishman purchased a board to get a new line of work and shield from leaving the countryMuch like Adam Pacitti, this Irishman took out an advertisement on a bulletin in 2011 in the expectations that work would come his way.The promotion read, Spare me from resettlement. The man, Féilim Mac An Iomaire, was nicknamed Jobless Paddy on account of his email address on the announcement. What's more, much like Adam, Mac An Iomaire had the option to look for some kind of employment and remain in Dublin as a result of his advertisement.Back in 1998, a man applied to another startup got Google by passing out cheesecake and résumésOne man working in tech chose to get a new line of work with an as of late established startup called Google in 1998.He was referred to among his companions as a phenomenal cheesecake gourmet expert, so he purpor tedly snuck into Google break room and gave out cuts of cheesecake with duplicates of his list of qualifications. The ploy really worked, and he got a meeting. In any case, he had just concluded that Google was excessively stodgy and declined. Stories state he later acknowledged he'd committed perhaps the greatest blunder of his career.This man paid for a Google advertisement that would show up at whatever point top promotion administrators looked their own namesTo get the consideration of top promotion officials, it may assist with speaking to their vanity.That's what Alec Browstein did by taking out promotions on Google, so that at whatever point one of the focused on executives looked through their own name, they'd secure Alec's position application as the primary inquiry thing. These advertisements were focused to six executives, and after two or three rounds of meetings, Alec was hired.One lady sent virtual Valentine's Day bundles to planned bosses that expressed, 'Kim could be the one'Kim Huynh, who works in publicizing, has a few strategies to separate herself from different applicants. One of her top choices was a site she made for forthcoming employers.The site was marked as a Valentine's Day bundle that read, Kim could be the one. There was even an intuitive Flash game businesses could play. On account of her amazing capacity to sell herself, she got interviews with four out of seven advertisement agencies.Here are a portion of the other sharp ways she gets employers' consideration.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I Dont Like Change - It Has to Be On My Terms - Career Pivot

I Don't Like Change - It Has to Be On My Terms - Career Pivot I Don't Like Change Copyright: flynt/123RF Stock Photo I don't care for changeâ€"except if I have command over when and how it is executed. The necessities explanation in my Birkman report says: It is ideal that you be given guidance ahead of time of any change that essentially influences yourlife or work, and that you be given the chance to communicate your information and thoughts concerning suchchange. Related tocauses of stress, myBirkman report says: Visit interferences can be a weight to your carefulness. Changes whichare forced on you, with little or none of your info, may make opposition inside you. Both of these announcements are verytrue. I tell individuals that I don't prefer to be hindered and that they betternot screw with my timetable. Constrained Change I got the accompanying notification via the post office on October 29th of this current year: Tune in to the latest scene AsI stated, I don't care for change that I don't have power over. Let me give you a little foundation. I have had a pioneering streak in me for quite a while. I remained in the corporate world for a long time and didn't follow my fantasy in light of the fact that my life partner was uninsurable on the open market. She has been independently employed for the last 15+ years, so I kept on following the sheltered course by staying in the corporate world. At that point came the Affordable Care Act (ACA). I won't banter on this blog the governmental issues behind this bit of enactment. ACA permitted me to seek after my enterprising dream. Truly, the protection was costly, with high deductibles ($13,000 for the family) and constrained access to specialists. We were as yet safeguarded for the most noticeably awful. At the point when I got this notification I about spiraled into gloom. I went into my downturn preventive strategies however I was still in a funk for various days. Did I let you know thatI don't care for change that I don't have command over? Concentrate on What You Can Control I regularly have customers experience the ill effects of MSU Syndrome when there are a great deal of questions in their lives. In the event that you have not as of now read about MSU (Make Stuff Up) Syndrome, presently is a decent time to peruse Do You Suffer from Make Stuff Up Disorder?and 3 Treatments for Make Stuff Up Disorder. I instruct these clientsto center around what they can control. In the event that they have not heard back from an employing chief, I have them contact those whocan get them a notice. In mycase, I began doing research on elective and more affordable wellsprings of protection, the two of which haveveryfew. In view of these things, mywife and I have been thinking about an overseasmove. This has given us a great deal of core interest. Very unintentionally, I foundHanson McClain's Money Matterspodcast calledBest global retirement goals, exploitative monetary organizations, and proactive intending to set aside cash during retirement. Look at it. They spoke withArt Koff, CEO/Founder of RetiredBrains.com, about the ten best worldwide goals for retirees. He referenced theRetireBrains page on resigning abroad. In 2017, we will investigate whether it bodes well to move first to Ecuador and afterward Panama. I am centered around changes that I can control. Shouldn't something be said about you? Marc Miller Like what you simply read? Offer it with your companions utilizing the catches above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Look at the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Sunday, June 7, 2020

5 Ways Starting a Podcast Helps Your Career Development CareerMetis.com

5 Ways Starting a Podcast Helps Your Career Development Concentrating on delivering some different option from simply accomplishing the work is one of the characterizing propensities for excessively effective people.Any process that is creation situated will be one that energizes innovative critical thinking and dynamic each progression of the way.evalIt requires vision, system, and a degree of commitment that motivates a long time of having an independent mind. At long last, regardless of whether the last item wasn't so good, you can generally depend on it being a developing experience.There are numerous things you can do in a day that will permit you to take on this creation situated mentality, yet causing your own to digital broadcast is really an astonishing open door for both individual and vocation development.The creation prerequisites alone require information and abilities from loads of various regions, huge numbers of which are transferable and helpful for different business-related undertakings.This rundown will give you 5 vali d justifications why you ought to consider beginning a web recording and it opportunities for your profession development.1) Develop Managerial SkillsevalMaking your own web recording can be an entirely straightforward endeavor.Essentially, you need a mic, a spot to record yourself and the way to transfer it to applicable websites.The procedure will turn out to be continuously progressively confused at whatever point you attempt to build up your configuration further and improve your standard of value. You need to sound better and have a smooth radio voice? At that point you'll have to consider putting resources into hardware and sound editing.evalHaving visitors on your show is likewise cool, however now you need to stress over booking the meetings and sifting through the logistics.Whatever these difficulties might be, you should create and apply a variety of administrative aptitudes so as to defeat them.For model, in case you're going for a DIY approach, you'll be depending on you r time the executives abilities to keep steady over your creation schedule.In case you're hoping to back off your outstanding burden, you can manufacture a group of consultants that you will facilitate, lead, and representative to.evalThe main concern is, through critical thinking, you will increase applicable experience for higher, official positions while simultaneously working in less distressing conditions.2) Collect Market Insights and Learn to Think Like an EntrepreneurYour web recording is an item and you need to regard it as such.It's insufficient to just deliver it, yet you need to deal with different parts of advertising, for example, situation and advancement. That is the reason you have to have an entirely smart thought of who you're conversing with, what for and where to discover them.The incredible thing about podcasting is that it can likewise be a two-way road. Your crowd is hoping to become more acquainted with you, yet you'll additionally have a one of a kind chanc e to become acquainted with your audience.Through people group the board and cooperating with your fan base, you will have understanding into the necessities of a particular market specialty. This sort of data permits you to construct your digital recording further and improve your image, yet it can likewise start business enterprise ideas.For occasion, you may think about an item or administration that could fulfill a particular need of your crowd. The best part is, if your answer is alluring and your business takes off, you as of now approach a network of potential purchasers worked around your own brand.3) Practice Your Public Speaking SkillsBeing ready to share thoughts before a horde of individuals and to do as such in a connecting with, yet familiar way is an aptitude any expert ought to have in their arsenal.It's an extraordinary kind of correspondence expertise, basic for good leadershipas well as some other significant parts of your business life. It's additionally one that individuals don't have an inclination nor the chance to practice.But to a degree, open talking is simply talking when a lot is on the line. The most unpleasant thing about it is that you're risking your notoriety and web recordings can help reproduce a comparative, yet a decreased sentiment of weight and anxiety.evalThe in addition to side is you are 100% in charge of what individuals get the chance to see or hear Promoting your web recording on applicable web based life stages is additionally significant consequently precisely. You need to be effectively open regardless of whether it implies you're going to experience unessential messages or spam offers along the way.The potential for making a decent association with an individual that values your work is something that difficult work and strength can't generally remunerate for.eval5) Adding to Your Personal BrandThere is an adage from Arnold Schwarzeneggerin which he clarifies how very much manufactured build is a significant sup erficial point of interest since it speaks to difficult work, control and it's likewise something cash can't buy.Similarly, when you put resources into delivering a web recording, you're making a group of work that mirrors your capacities and remain as a tribute to your efforts.In any case, your character will be a key factor in the manner individuals structure their supposition about you, yet thusly, you're giving individuals proof that conveys the degree of duty you've placed into a thought and your capacity to follow through.This will turn into an extra element to your own image simply after an extensive timeframe. We're talking long stretches of predictable work that will inevitably reflect assurance. In any case, it will go far in adding to a decent early introduction you're hoping to leave on potential customers and crowd members.Final ThoughtsThe really incredible thing about podcasting is that it very well may be a helpful action to any expert at some random phase of their c areer.Everyone has a voice and a chance to be heard, from those that are simply beginning and sharing their learning procedure, to the individuals who are as of now specialists and are searching for an approach to give something back to the community.Podcasting patterns and statisticsare indicating that the prevalence of the medium is as yet rising and will keep on doing as such in the predictable future.Podcasts are a fun, modest, yet compensating approach to step out of your customary range of familiarity and challenge yourself. They allow you to have a go at something else and experience something new, while immaculate your abilities and meeting a lot of astonishing new individuals en route.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

How to Get a Job at Lyft

Instructions to Get a Job at Lyft Instructions to Get a Job at Lyft With Lyft stocks ascending after the organization opened up to the world in May and new office areas jumping up the nation over, chances to join the Lyft group are inexhaustible. In any case, how carries out a responsibility searcher land a situation at one of the quickest developing tech organizations in the country? Lyft is effectively scanning for innovative, self-propelled (hard working attitude, that is) and eager new representatives â€" as the organization states, We challenge show, face challenges, and have an effect. Preparing yourself through research on Lyft, its recruiting procedure and worker encounters will surrender you a leg on different candidates and that a lot more like a bid for employment! Lyft pays attention to its organization strategic a typical inquiry during the meeting procedure is, Which of Lyft's guiding principle do you identify with the most? Understanding a future manager's qualities permits you as an occupation searcher to choose whether you line up with its convictions and see how to advertise yourself during the recruiting procedure as a worker who might additionally organization objectives. On its Careers site, Lyft traces its three representative standards: Lyft is keen on what you as a person, past your expert experience, bring to the table. Employment searchers note that a significant part of the Lyft recruiting process was having the option to fit into the group during bunch meets and were posed inquiries, for example, Portray yourself in three words. While discussing your experience, permit what makes you one of a kind to likewise come through. As Lyft says , In the event that it doesn't exist, concoct it. Lyft constructs a workplace where the objective is reclassify, instead of keep up, the state of affairs. On the off chance that you consider a to be as a chance, at that point you will probably flourish as a feature of the Lyft group. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you are looking just to check in to your 9 to 5, this may not be the organization for you. A compelling workplace implies concentrating on your prosperity, yet in addition your associates'. The Lyft site clarifies, Lyft representatives are savvy, entertaining individuals, who aren't hesitant to share their thoughts, concede when they don't know something, and are continually ready to help. The organization likewise guarantees solid social obligation and has made considerable altruistic gifts â€" so chipping in and a charitable foundation is an or more! The Glassdoor Interviews highlight permits you to layway the pressure of sudden inquiries and be prepared to wow the meeting boards. While encounters vary contingent upon the specific position, most candidates who got a proposition for employment state the recruiting procedure is two to about a month long and incorporates around three meeting adjusts. Many depict the meeting procedure at Lyft as effective and quick paced; one occupation searcher said , Numerous organizations these days string applicants along for a considerable length of time or even months. HR at Lyft was magnificent to work with-brief reactions and a reasonable course of events. Job searchers experienced an underlying telephone meet with a HR delegate and afterward kept on finishing inside and out meetings with direct directors and colleagues that were ordinarily face to face; specialized positions, for example, programming engineer incorporate numerous coding and configuration tests. The following are a portion of the inquiries work searchers have experienced in the Lyft employing process: The most ideal approach to comprehend what it resembles to work at Lyft â€" and how you can best incorporate yourself into the work environment â€" is to get notification from present and past representatives . Of the considerable number of attributes and aptitudes representatives portrayed as the keys to accomplishment in Lyft surveys , the most well-known by a wide margin was the capacity to waste no time. Representatives underscore that working for an organization experiencing quick development â€" and some developing agonies â€" expects laborers to be on an ever-advancing working environment. One worker expounds , Quick paced, comprehensive, and community culture with such a great amount of space for learning and development in a rapidly evolving industry… with how quick things are moving and changing, once in a while there can be an inclination of work going in a few unique ways simultaneously. Another worker cautions , On the off chance that you are originating from an organized situation, it very well may be trying to be a piece of a startup, should be available to consistent change and exploring the obscure. Having involvement with new businesses or other quick paced workplaces will assist you with getting down to business in another job. On the off chance that you don't have an expert foundation in such spaces, exhibiting cases in which you adequately reacted to working environment emergencies or discovered creative answers for work issues will assist you with standing apart from the group. While numerous people have the drive, smarts and imagination to make a plunge into a situation at Lyft, not every person accompanies a similar degree of experience. In case you're concerned that your resume may not hold facing individual candidates with more grounded foundations, at that point think about taking on one of Lyft's temporary positions and apprenticeships. Lyft has communicated its commitment to employing understudies, new graduates and occupation searchers from novel instructive foundations for passage level places that middle mentorship and persistent learning. As indicated by the Lyft Careers site , You'll be drenched in our inviting, cordial culture where everybody has a huge effect. Is it true that you are a business? Look at our Talent Solutions Blog . A debt of gratitude is in order for discovering us! We spread everything from profession counsel to the most recent organization features. We're continually searching for specialists, administrators and patterns to include on the Glassdoor blog. Intrigued? Get in touch with us. Also, in case you're searching for the most recent in manager arrangements and counsel, we suggest our Talent Solutions Blog . It just takes a second â€" see who's seeing your profile and screen your notoriety.